A while back I saw these beaded bracelets gracing the wrists of the world's most elite athletes. With an iconic symbol such as the Kenyan flag they immediately caught my eye. Flash forward a few months and I saw Mo Farah wearing the same style of bracelet except with his own country's flag: the union jack. From that point on I knew that I needed to somehow acquire one of these elusive fashion statements.
One day around a month ago I stumbled upon the Artiken Instagram page which they had just opened following the release of their company. After reading their website and the history it's founders went through I realized there was much more meaning behind the symbol many elite runners wear. Stemming from the heart of Kenya and the unique artisans that live there I learned that the Artiken bracelet through constant wear became a symbol of pride for one's country. With standout athletes like David Rudisha sporting the Kenyan flag and Mo Farah who adopted the Kenyan's culture the meaning of the bracelet has become a symbol of friendship and respect for one another.
While I have yet to lay my hands on the Kenyan version of the bracelet I plan on obtaining it in the near future. Until then however I was given the Bowerman Track Club's version of it. With the most obvious difference being that the track club isn't a country, the one thing that does not differ is the meaning behind the beaded bracelet. Through the short time I have been wearing it I have grown a pride for the track club that coaches many runners I look up to. I have seen by becoming part of the Artiken family that despite not physically being a part of the track club does not hinder the mental effect it has on an athlete. Causing a runner to have a sense of purpose and a unique symbol worn that constantly reminds you of the end goal.
In addition to Artiken bringing pride to an athlete, the company itself has built itself into somewhat of a charity. While many companies are fully situated on the monetary aspect of sales, the Artiken motto is to give a portion of it's profits back to artisans and clean water charity projects across the country. Effectively taking a stand against harsh conditions Kenyan citizens endure and giving artisans the financial backing they need to continue on with their cultural craft.
Originally I was fascinated with the vibrant colored bracelets being worn by national elites. However after learning about the actual vision of the company and the humble approach it has taken to make Kenya a more healthy country I have grown to like the company more. Now as I wear the Bowerman Track Club bracelet every day I will be reminded by the symbol, of the virtually good mindset Artiken has to make Kenya better place.
I hope that in the future you will also become a part of the Artiken movement. While the company is fairly new and small, it possesses much potential to become something great. It can save lives throughout Kenya by providing clean water free of sickness, and it can restore the unique craft needed to keep their culture thriving. The Artiken bracelet is the symbol that you have joined the movement and have taken the first step towards a changed world. So now I recommend the bracelet to you so that your way of thought can be changed to see the truth that there is a country in need of help, and a bracelet which is the ticket to change.
Artiken Website: www.ArtiKen.com